Summary of MetroGreen Trail Extension BLMS to State Avenue


Added by 2021 Update

Project Number: 53
Organization: Basehor
Project Name: MetroGreen Trail Extension BLMS to State Avenue
City(ies), County(ies), State: Basehor, Leavenworth County, Kansas
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: 15900 Conley Road to 1206 155th Street
Primary Project Mode: Active Transportation 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * None )
The project will provide improved multi-modal transportation link where none exists today, in an area with great potential for future bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The project will continue progress in establishing a north/south multi use trail that connects much of the city limits. This project begins at 155th and Wolf Creek Parkway, connecting to trail to be constructed in 2023, and continues south to Basehor-Linwood Middle school. The proposed trail corridor is crucial to providing a safe pedestrian corridor connecting development south of State Ave (Highway 24/40) to activity centers to the north. The trail would provide a pedestrian link between the Middle School, Glenwood Ridge Elementary school, a proposed park northeast of Cedar Lake Estates, and connect to the shared use path parallel to 155th which connects the high school and downtown. The City anticipates the improved facilities will allow for citizens to walk or bike in situations where they would previously drive.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) )
Project Description: Projects address residents desires for for sidewalks/bike infrastructure/trails, as identified in September 2019 Citizen Satisfaction Survey by ETC. This survey results identified this type of facility as the most pressing infrastructure need in the city. 64% of residents ranked this type of infrastructure among the most important city capital improvement project for the continuous success for the city of Basehor. This ranked even higher than street maintenance. This project implements Metrogreen and regional bikeway system in areas of greatest need and growth in southern portions of the city of Basehor. Inadequate bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure exist south of State Avenue leaving little options for safe mobility choices. This project directly connects to programmed improvements on 155th Street. These improvements would directly benefit the Glenwood Ridge Elementary and Middle School connecting many neighborhoods to trail networks linked to the Library and City Civic Campus. Project will include multi-use path along existing roadways, safe pedestrian crossings, off road trail along and identified Metrogreen corridor. Project will include native grasses and stormwater BMPs.
Scope: The 2.1 mile multi-use trail expansion would serve pedestrian and cyclists, providing a safe pedestrian corridor (currently non-existing) generally separated from vehicular traffic. At locations where the multi-use trail users and vehicular traffic intersect, the intersection would be analyzed to determine the most appropriate demarcation to ensure visibility of pedestrian users. Special attention would be given to any street crossings utilized by students to access Bashor-Linwood Middle School and Glenwood Ridge Elementary School. Adding facilities dedicated to pedestrian users would provide dedicated space to cyclists and pedestrians with less vehicular conflict than available today. Stormwater management and water quality BMPs including green infrastructure and bioswales/retention areas would also be incorporated. In addition to providing connections to activity centers within the City of Basehor, 0.5 mile of the trail alignment would ultimately be incorporated to the regional MetroGreen Trail.
Funding Source: KS Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $0,893,855
Decade: Illustrative
Application Score: 69
Constrained / Illustrative: Illustrative
Priority: Low
Adds Capacity: No

No public comments submitted.


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Kansas City, MO 64105
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