Summary of Johnson Drive (Metcalf Ave. to Lamar Ave.) Street Rehabilitation Project


Added by 2021 Update

Project Number: 26
Organization: Mission
Project Name: Johnson Drive (Metcalf Ave. to Lamar Ave.) Street Rehabilitation Project
City(ies), County(ies), State: City of Mission, Johnson County, Kansas
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: N/A
Primary Project Mode: Active Transportation 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation )
The project will improve deteriorated sidewalks and include ADA improvements so that pedestrians have a safe travel route. Existing sidewalks are 4 to 7 wide and may be widened to promote walkability as space allows. Traffic signals and crosswalks will be replaced and will include enhanced pedestrian components to promote safe travel on Johnson Dr. Johnson Dr. is a transit route and there is a mobility hub further east on the corridor. Bus stops/shelters and a Park N Ride lot are located south on Martway St. where transit riders can easily access Johnson Dr. Sharrows will be added for bicyclists on Johnson Dr. and new bike lanes have been constructed on north/south streets intersecting Johnson Dr. (Broadmoor and Lamar) so that bicyclists can access Johnson Dr. and then travel the corridor. Bike racks will also be constructed on the corridor.
Project Purpose: * System preservation, rehabilitation or replacement )
Project Description: This project is located on Johnson Dr. from Metcalf Ave. to Lamar Ave. Johnson Dr. is a four-lane divided arterial with turn lanes and is a regional east/west corridor that is experiencing revitalization and redevelopment. Most of the infrastructure along Johnson Drive is old and has deteriorated over time and there are many locations where ADA improvements are needed. This corridor serves all modes of transportation, including motorists, pedestrians, transit riders, bicyclists, and freight. The project will improve deteriorated sidewalks and include ADA improvements so that pedestrians have a safe travel route. Existing sidewalks are 4 to 7 wide and may be widened to promote walkability as space allows. Johnson Dr. is a transit route and there is a mobility hub further east on the corridor. Bus stops/shelters and a Park N Ride lot are located south on Martway St. where transit riders can easily access Johnson Dr. Sharrows will be provided on Johnson Dr. and new bike lanes have been constructed on north/south streets intersecting Johnson Dr. (Broadmoor and Lamar) so that bicyclists can ride to Johnson Dr. and then travel the corridor. Bike racks will also be constructed. This project will implement Centers and Corridors strategies by focusing improvements in this corridor and connecting activity centers to this concentrated development area. Focusing on improvements to Johnson promote concentrated development and goods movement aligned with land use will prioritize investments for Mission. Improving this corridor will promote vitalization and improve quality of life by proving more close options for purchasing goods and entertainment. Replacing aging infrastructure and preserving this corridor will protect our assets and investments.
Scope: Johnson Dr. between Metcalf Ave. and Lamar Ave. is a four-lane divided arterial with turn lanes with a length of approximately one-half mile. Johnson Dr. has aging infrastructure which has deteriorated over time. Johnson Dr. and the City of Mission are currently experiencing revitalization and redevelopment and improving this corridor will create activity centers and coordinate goods in one location for residents and visitors. The scope of work for this project includes pavement replacement, constructing a large stormwater interceptor to connect to the existing interceptor east of Lamar Ave., repairing/replacing deteriorated curb and gutter, sidewalks, ADA improvements, stormwater inlets, street lights, signage, pavement markings, and traffic signals. This project will include countermeasures to make this corridor safe for all transportation modes, especially as traffic for all transportation modes is anticipated to increase due to new development and redevelopment that is occurring along this corridor. During design of this project, we will evaluate the crash data along the corridor and at specific intersections (total of 104 crashes over the last 3 years) to determine if there are additional measures and design elements we can incorporate to increase safety. This may include redesign where feasible, such as medians, increasing turn lane lengths, changes to signal timings, additional pedestrian infrastructure or other measures to address these concerns. Additionally, new street lighting and new retroreflective signage will be included for greater visibility along the corridor. The City will also perform public education on the website and other publications to promote safe driving. Improving and widening sidewalks and adding new street lights and traffic signals will improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians and motorists. These measures will continue to enhance our existing diversity of transportation modes and will protect the climate and reduce greenhouse emissions. Improving this corridor will promote vitalization and improve quality of life by providing more close options for purchasing goods and entertainment. Replacing aging infrastructure and preserving this corridor will protect our assets and investments. Improvements will improve quality of life and provide a vibrant and resilient place.
Funding Source: KS Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $11,290,800
Decade: Illustrative
Application Score: 122
Constrained / Illustrative: Illustrative
Priority: High
Adds Capacity: No

No public comments submitted.


600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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