Summary of Riverwalk Park


Added by 2021 Update

Project Number: 18
Organization: Smithville
Project Name: Riverwalk Park
City(ies), County(ies), State: City of Smithville, Clay County, Missouri
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: Along the Little Platte River by HWY 169
Primary Project Mode: Active Transportation 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation )
This project aims to connect existing trails creating a linked system of parks, trails and natural areas. It will encourage transportation modes such as biking, walking, and running.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) * System preservation, rehabilitation or replacement * Ecosystem Restoration )
Project Description: The Riverwalk Park will strengthen the overall trail network for runners, bikers, and walkers. Riverwalk supports the community identity through active, prominent trail networks. This project will promote recreation and exercise opportunities close to home and within neighborhoods. This will expand the transportation system beyond street networks, enhancing active transportation options. In addition, RIVERWALK intents to create a linked system of parks, trails and natural areas. Greenways have become one of the most popular family recreation activities across the country. The value of greenways in terms of recreation, education and resource protection is invaluable. Greenways serve as linkages between cities, parks, schools, commercial areas, and neighborhoods. They provide a safe mode of transportation that preserves the environment.
Scope: Travel modes served include running, walking, and biking. -Key characteristics: The concept plan includes features such as small sporting and group activity areas, walking trails and boardwalk concepts, and public art installations. The overall concept is to integrate this area into the downtown, providing a natural extension from the downtown commercial and retail areas to the green space and recreation areas. The Riverwalk includes a trail that follows the riverbank and provides walking access from Hwy 169 to Heritage Park. -Safety countermeasures: Sidewalks and walkways are “pedestrian lanes” that provide residents and visitors with space to travel within the public right-of-way that is separated from roadway vehicles. Walkways and trails create places for children to walk, run, skate, ride bikes, and play. Sidewalks are associated with significant reductions in pedestrian collisions with motor vehicles.
Funding Source: MO Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $3,763,600
Decade: Illustrative
Application Score: 78
Constrained / Illustrative: Illustrative
Priority: Medium
Adds Capacity: No

Submitted comments

Please note, only public comments are available for review, which may differ from the total shown on the project listing page.

Marvin Atkins said...

Smithville needs a great project like this. Would add a new dementioin to our dowqntown area as well as a great connection to the walking trails to the lake.

8/16/2021 2:26:36 PM

Danielle Wilson said...

A river walk would be an amazing addition to the Smithville area. The Little Platte is a beautiful little river that winds it’s way through our downtown and would add a unique characteristic for this area. Few other towns in the area have such an attraction. It would be utilized by families and individuals as an alternate form of transportation as well as an epicenter for the city. It would be an offshoot of the future community oasis project lined out in our master plan. I can’t think of a better location for this kind of thing.

8/16/2021 2:30:18 PM

Karic Brown said...

This is so exciting! My family and I absolutely love Smithville and all the outdoor activities it has to offer. This new addition would be so great for our current residents and those who visit! I fully support this addition and can’t wait to see it finished!

8/16/2021 2:39:19 PM

Charles R Baker said...

Spending 4 million dollars on an unproven and possibly under utilized project is a large waste of money, and most certainly an inflated amount of money. The only way this grant should be considered is if three quarters of it, 3 million dollars, would be utilized for small business development along the trail route to help generate interest in utilizing the trail. Low cost loans to Family owned businesses (no companies with more than $250,000.00 planned revenue, no franchises, no carve outs or special projects). These loans should be on a competition basis with a citizen’s committee made up of people from each alderman district.

8/16/2021 4:42:42 PM

Allyson Attigliato said...

Not only would a riverwalk improve the health of our community, but it would add something completely unique to our community. We see this river everyday, but we don’t think to walk around it or scope it out. Adding more trails to this community gives others the opportunity to unplug from daily life and enjoy something different. Our community deserves to have ways to explore their community and still be curious about what else it out there for them to explore next.

8/17/2021 6:43:06 AM

Jim Pascoe said...

I am very supportive of the Riverwalk Greenway project for Smithville Missouri. As a resident of Smithville, and an avid outdoor walker, runner, and biker, I am always looking for opportunities for recreation. Smithville needs more public interest in their historic downtown, and The Riverwalk Greenway will be and awesome addition! It will bring in tourists and more locals which will in turn encourage more business such as retail and eating establishments. Smithville is already doing a great job bringing the public downtown with free movie nights, public events, and farmers markets. This Riverwalk Greenway will bring in more local and tourist dollars to Smithville.

8/17/2021 6:50:51 AM

Allyson Attigliato said...

To cover what Charles Baker was saying I just wanted to say that of course everything that is done should be held in high consideration especially because of the use of tax dollars. However, this project has nothing to do with businesses. If it’s in the hands of the Parks and Rec department that should obviously mean it’s probably something to do with a parks. And although I completely understand venturing into river walks true meaning, I wouldn’t call riverwalk irrelevant. If we were looking for a way to help businesses riverwalk would allow a walkable way from neighborhoods and other parks to downtown and gain more business interactions. So, no I don’t believe that this project is a waste of time because it always for more opportunities for these businesses to be visited. It also allows people to stay longer downtown due to a spike in entertainment. If you do not agree with me, that is perfectly fine. My opinion is not the only one that matters, but I wanted to bring another point to the point of concern.

8/17/2021 7:08:08 AM

Robert Scarborough said...

This is a great idea that will benefit both residents and visitors alike.

8/17/2021 7:38:05 AM

Margo Farnsworth said...

Specifically in terms of the environment, the city would be creating a tool to sink Carbon. Additionally, this could be a wonderful tool to help motivate stakeholder support of both tree and native plant ordinances as part of a shift toward green infrastructure.

8/17/2021 12:59:32 PM

Margo Farnsworth said...

Specifically in terms of the environment, the city would be creating a tool to sink Carbon. Additionally, this could be a wonderful tool to help motivate stakeholder support of both tree and native plant ordinances as part of a shift toward green infrastructure.

8/17/2021 12:59:33 PM

Matt Denton said...

The Smithville River Walk project is mentioned in both the Citys 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Where 1,000+ Smithville community members provided input on what they wanted their downtown future to look like. The vision is to to connect into the Metro Green Trail and make the key connection to the greater Kansas City Metro. The attraction this would bring would benefit the local business and Smithville community as a whole.

8/17/2021 3:05:55 PM

Martha Schroer said...

This would be a fantastic project and I fully support this. My husband and I walk the local trails almost daily and would love to have more trails to explore. Having this right next to our downtown district would help the downtown business’s ability to have more exposure and customers. This seems to be another good step in achieving Smithville’s vision to Thrive Ahead.

8/18/2021 10:34:45 AM

Erika Stiles said...

Yeeees, make it happen!!! I love the trail systems here, which are fairly lacking in my neighborhood, having the option to walk only a couple of blocks to a safe nature trail, instead of driving to trails miles away, would be awesome! I definitely would get out to walk more often, for sure my dog would enjoy the scenery, then there’s the good feeling that our town supports a positive, active lifestyle and provides for us to do just that, it’s a win win win win win situation. Let’s do it!

8/18/2021 6:11:59 PM


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