Summary of Parallel Road


Project Number: 1529
Organization: Basehor
Project Name: Parallel Road
City(ies), County(ies), State: Basehor, Leavenworth County, Unified Government of Wyandotte County, State of Kansas
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: Parallel Road from 163rd Street to K-7, several intersections along the route will be reconfigured/redesigned, including 155th Street and Parallel Road, these improvements include the construction of a roundabout at this intersection.
Primary Project Mode: Highway/roadway 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation * Bridge * Freight )
Active Transportation- Parallel Road is planned to be an arterial street, per the city of Basehor standards all new and future arterial streets are required to include the construction of a 10 MUP on one side and a 5 sidewalk on the opposite side. Bridge- An existing bridge will need to be replaced and reconstructed in order to create the required width of roadway. Freight- The improvements to this roadway will provide direct access to our Industrial Park as well as several commercial businesses located along and just off of this route thus making it a more viable freight route.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) * System operations and management )
Project Description: The intent of this project would be to improve a two lane street in an effort to bring it up to arterial standards, this would include widening from two lanes to four, per city standards, the road construction project will include a 10 wide MUP on one side of the road and a 5 wide sidewalk on the opposite side. Per the Comprehensive Plan of Basehor, we indicate Parallel Road would be become a minor arterial and carry a large number of vehicles. The primary users would consist of motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and freight.
Scope: The improvements to Parallel Road will be approximately 3 miles in length, included within this corridor are several intersections that will be improved, this will include the utilization of a roundabout at the 155th Street and Parallel Road intersection to improve traffic flow patterns to and from our High School. There are two areas of floodplain that would need to have new (wider) crossings constructed along with several other drainage ways that will require new/wider crossings also along with improvements to the drainage themselves. The improvements to Parallel Road will improve access to our Industrial Park and several commercial businesses on the east end of the project, it will also provide better access to several residential neighborhoods as well, thus improving traffic flow as a whole.
Funding Source: Ks Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $14,000,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $21,840,000
Decade: 2030
Application Score: 85
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: High
Adds Capacity: Yes

Submitted comments

Please note, only public comments are available for review, which may differ from the total shown on the project listing page.

Stacy Tatkenhorst said...

With the size of our high school growing, the traffic on Parallel will only increase, thus making the intersection of 155th and Parallel more congested. Soon there will be a new Early Childhood Center built and there are several new homes being built all just off of Parallel. These will only increase the traffic on this road.

5/20/2019 8:49:02 AM


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