Summary of Donahoo Road


Project Number: 1514
Organization: Basehor
Project Name: Donahoo Road
City(ies), County(ies), State: Basehor, Leavenworth County, State of Kansas
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: Donahoo Road @ K-7 Highway, Donahoo Rd @ 147th Street, Donahoo Rd @ 155th Street
Primary Project Mode: Highway/roadway 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation * Bridge * Highway/Roadway )
Active Trans.- Donahoo Road is proposed to be constructed as an Arterial Street per the city of Basehor 2018 Comprehensive Plan, this standard includes a 10 MUP on one side of the roadway and a 5 wide sidewalk on the opposite, this opens up an active transportation route that will connect to our city park and throughout the city. Bridge- this project will require the construction of a bridge or stream crossing Highway/Roadway- The addition of Donahoo Road will provide direct connection to the K-7 Corridor from neighborhoods in the northern portions of Basehor and provide for a much easier and more direct route to the rest of the Kansas City Metro area
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) * System operations and management )
Project Description: This project will consist of a new roadway approximately 2 miles in length that would serve as a direct connection point between the north side of Basehor proper and K-7 Highway as well as the new 147th Street expansion project completed by Leavenworth County in 2018. This new road construction project will include the construction of a bridge to traverse a large drainage way, it would also be constructed to Basehors current Arterial Street Design criteria, these requirements include the construction of a 10 wide MUP for both pedestrian and bicyclists.
Scope: The project is expected to extend approximately 2 miles and consist of up to 4 lanes with the inclusion of a 10 wide MUP and a 5 wide sidewalk, this will provide connectivity for our citizens to pursue a more active transportation mode. It will aid motorists in providing another access point to and from residences on the north end of our community. Several major activities would need to take place as there is no roadway in existence at this time along a portion of the proposed project, including but not limited to site grading and improvements, bridge construction, utility placement and other pertinent construction activity. Upgrades to the K-7/Donahoo Road intersection may need to take place as well, including a potential traffic signal.
Funding Source: KS Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $10,000,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $12,600,000
Decade: 2020
Application Score: 67
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: Low
Adds Capacity: Yes

Submitted comments

Please note, only public comments are available for review, which may differ from the total shown on the project listing page.

Jon Gallion said...

Donahoo Rd was identified by the state as a future cross state route many years ago. Wyandot County has already improved much of Donahoo to K-7 and the state improved the intersection on I-435. It is now time for the road to be continued into Leavenworth County and provide better access to the northern portion of Basehor .

6/21/2019 7:47:43 AM


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