Summary of Platte Purchase Drive Reconstruction and Interchange Improvement

Kansas City, MO

Project Number: 1498
Organization: Kansas City, MO
Project Name: Platte Purchase Drive Reconstruction and Interchange Improvement
City(ies), County(ies), State: Kansas City, Platte County, MO
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: Platte Purchase MO 152 to Cookingham Drive and Platte Purchase/152 Interchange
Primary Project Mode: Highway/roadway 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation * Bridge * Freight * Transit )
The project will reconstruct Platte Purchase Drive from the south side of NO 152 to Cookingham Drive. The project will improve the interchange and 152 is on the freight network. The new street will be an a complete urban street and connect to the 152 Trail and existing and proposed Platte County R-3 schools. Project is adjacent to an environmental justice tract and will provide connection to ATA Route 201. Mutliple one lane culvert bridges will be replaced as a part of the project.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) * System preservation, rehabilitation or replacement * System operations and management )
Project Description: Project reconstructs the narrow two lane unimproved Platte Purchase between the south side of the MO 152 interchange to a four lane with landscaped median and turn lanes urban complete street. It will also improve the MO 152 interchange and add a ten foot multipurpose trail. Project is adjacent to an environmental justice tract and connects to the Route 152 Trail which provides for connections the MetroGreen Line Creek Trail.
Scope: Project reconstructs Platte Purchase Drive Street which was a section line farm road which was paved and the project will rebuild the street and upgrade it to a four lane urban complete with median and on-street bike accommodations with a multi-use trail on the west side and a sidewalk on the east side. Project will also include redoing the 152 and Platte Purchase interchange as a DDI or free flow roundabout interchange. It will be designed to maintain the character of the area as desired by residents during the KCI Area and Twin Creek planning processes. Project will include constructing an urban complete street with sidewalks, streetlights, bike lanes, curbing, storm drainage system, and rebuilding three bridge culverts which have no side protection. The project will connect the regional Platte Purchase Park with a bikeway trail system by connecting to the existing Route 152 Trail on which connects to the Line and Second Creek Trails
Funding Source: Mo Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $24,700,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $31,122,000
Decade: 2020
Application Score: 147
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: High
Adds Capacity: Yes

No public comments submitted.


600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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