Summary of NE 72nd Street Complete Street Improvements


Project Number: 1445
Organization: Gladstone
Project Name: NE 72nd Street Complete Street Improvements
City(ies), County(ies), State: Gladstone, Clay County, MO
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: NE/NW 72nd Street - N. Broadway to Missouri Route 1
Primary Project Mode: Active Transportation 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation * Freight * Highway/Roadway * Transit )
Project will include new sidewalks and bike lanes to promote active transportation, support KCATA transit at N. Oak, and limited freight movement. on the south side, ADA sidewalk improvements on the north side, intersection and traffic signal upgrades at N. Woodland, N. Troost, N. Oak Trafficway, and N. Broadway, and new asphalt pavement. City will evaluate the potential of a road diet to further accommodate bike lanes and reduce costs at intersections.
Project Purpose: * System preservation, rehabilitation or replacement * System operations and management )
Project Description: Project will include a new sidewalk on south side, ADA sidewalk improvements on the north side, intersection and traffic signal upgrades at N. Woodland, N. Troost, N. Oak Trafficway, and N. Broadway, and new asphalt pavement. City will evaluate the potential of a road diet to further accommodate bike lanes and reduce costs at intersections.
Scope: 1. New sidewalks for pedestrians. 2. Bike lanes 3. New traffic signals that are coordinated and ADA compliant pedestrian signals 4. KCATA bus shelters at mutually agreed upon locations.
Funding Source: Mo Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $5,000,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $7,800,000
Decade: 2030
Application Score: 127
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: Rehab
Adds Capacity: No

Submitted comments

Please note, only public comments are available for review, which may differ from the total shown on the project listing page.

Jacob Lowe said...

This street needs a road diet and needs to be rebuilt as a complete street yesterday! Make it happen, please! ASAP!

8/18/2019 2:51:29 PM

Greg Strasser said...

Sidewalks are always good to have and I see the current ones in use quite a bit. Bikers can share them with walkers/joggers if built properly, not the current one that put me and my bike in 72nd and required stitches. I do see a need to upgrade signal lights and please do not reduce lanes.

9/4/2019 3:28:39 PM

Carol Suter said...

The sidewalks on this street are in poor condition and nonexistent in some sections. The street passes through major residential neighborhoods. Improved sidewalks, signals, etc. will result in more foot traffic thus reducing auto usage.

9/5/2019 3:22:20 PM

Mike Ebenroth said...

This stretch of road is in need of repair and upgrading. Upgrades traffic signals and better center turn lanes would be a great benefit to the public.

9/6/2019 11:59:36 AM

Katie Middleton said...

Thumbs-up to coordinated traffic signals and bus shelters.

9/23/2019 4:22:53 PM


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Kansas City, MO 64105
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