Summary of Salisbury Road Complete Streets


Project Number: 1233
Organization: Independence
Project Name: Salisbury Road Complete Streets
City(ies), County(ies), State: Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: Salisbury & Jones Road (future Jackson Drive - major arterial). Salisbury & Ponca Drive
Primary Project Mode: Highway/roadway 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation )
Salisbury Road serves northern Independence, connecting single family residential to Missouri Highway 291. In 2010, the Salisbury Road project, from Missouri 291 to the Independence Athletic Complex, expanded the roadway to 3-lane collector from two lane residential. The expansion improved traffic flow and installed sidewalks connecting the Independence Athletic Complex to Salisbury pedestrians. This project will expand the sidewalk further east, serving additional single family subdivisions. Bike facilities will also be included, to connect bicyclists along the roadway to connect with the Independence Athletic Complex.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) * System preservation, rehabilitation or replacement )
Project Description: The project will complete the expansion of the existing roadway to 3-lane collector, from Missouri 291 to N Jones Road. As part of the expansion, horizontal and vertical alignment will also be improved to match necessary design parameters. Sidewalks will be installed and bike facilities will be incorporated to expand multimodal transportation options throughout. Additionally, the Independence Athletic Complex, located near the middle of this segment of Salsibury Road, serves the region with several sports fields, including soccer, football, baseball and softball.
Scope: Salisbury Road Complete Street Improvements will expand the roadway to a 3-lane collector from the Independence Athletic Complex to Jones Road (a future major arterial). Improvements include 1.5 miles of travel lane installation, sidewalk installation, and bike lane installations. Improvements to both horizontal and vertical curve alignments will improve travel speeds along Salisbury Road. Signal improvements will be incorporated where appropriate.
Funding Source: Mo Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $8,300,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $11,703,000
Decade: 2020
Application Score: 97
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: High
Adds Capacity: Yes

No public comments submitted.


600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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