Summary of 167th Street - Quivira to Antioch

Overland Park

Project Number: 1231
Organization: Overland Park
Project Name: 167th Street - Quivira to Antioch
City(ies), County(ies), State: Overland Park, Johnson, Kansas
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: 167th Street
Primary Project Mode: Highway/roadway 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation * Bridge )
The project will expand multimodal systems to accommodate automobiles, transit, public safety vehicles, pedestrian and bicycles in order to maximize and increase mobility throughout the corridor. The project will encourage walkability and bicycle access by maintaining and upgrading existing sidewalks and adding on-street buffered bike lanes. These improved facilities will provide connection to existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the corridor and at Coffee Creek MetroGreen corridor. This project also includes widening of the bridge over Coffee Creek and construction of a new bridge over Coffee Creek east tributary to further accommodate traffic, pedestrians and bicycles.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) * System preservation, rehabilitation or replacement * System operations and management )
Project Description: The intent of the project is to maximize mobility and access to existing and future land uses along the corridor, address system preservation and maintenance needs, provide for alternative transportation modes and improve system performance, efficiency, and safety. The primary users will be motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. Motorists will benefit from the increased capacity and safety of the widened roadway which includes additional through lanes and turn lanes. Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists will all benefit from the addition of streetlighting throughout the entire corridor. Bicyclists will be able to utilize the on-street buffered bike lanes to negotiate the entire corridor and intersections. Pedestrians will be able to utilize the upgraded sidewalks and trail connections to negotiate the entire corridor and intersections.
Scope: The project includes widening 167th Street from a two-lane thoroughfare to a four-lane divided thoroughfare throughout the 2 mile corridor. The project will expand the single lane roundabouts at Quivira and Switzer to multi-lane roundabouts and streetlights will be added throughout the corridor. The existing bridges over Coffee Creek will be widened and a new bridge over Coffee Creek east tributary will be constructed to accommodate the additional traffic lanes as well as provide for bicycle and pedestrian facilities across the bridges. The existing sidewalks and trails along the roadway are anticipated to be reconstructed and upgraded to include connections to other pedestrian facilities along the corridor. The project will continue to provide multimodal systems to accommodate automobiles, transit, public safety vehicles, pedestrian and bicycles in order to maximize mobility throughout the corridor. The project will expand walkability and safety for pedestrians by maintaining and upgrading ADA compliant sidewalks and crosswalks. The project will improve bicycle access and safety with the addition of on-street buffered bike lanes in each direction. The addition of streetlighting throughout the corridor will provide safer accommodations for all modes of transportation. The expanded roundabouts will continue to provide for safe pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular movements while adding capacity.
Funding Source: Ks Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $27,000,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $56,430,000
Decade: 2040
Application Score: 77
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: Medium
Adds Capacity: Yes

No public comments submitted.


600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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