Summary of MetroGreen stream and ecosystem restoration (MO)


Project Number: 1157
Organization: MARC
Project Name: MetroGreen stream and ecosystem restoration (MO)
City(ies), County(ies), State: Nine-county, bi-state MARC planning area.
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: MetroGreen corridors, including: • Missouri River • Kansas River • Blue River • Fishing River • Grand River • Little Blue River • Platte River • Cedar Creek • Line Creek • Second Creek • Shoal Creek • Stranger Creek • North Brush Creek (Platte County) • I-435 Corridor • KATY Trail Connection • Wyandotte/Leavenworth County Line Connection
Primary Project Mode: Active Transportation 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation )
The MetroGreen and local trail systems connect communities throughout the region, providing opportunities to facilitate intermodal transportation at multiple scales. Ecosystem conservation and restoration activities along these (and other significant local) corridors will enhance their ecological funcionality, and increase trail usage because they are more beautiful, have more habitat to support wildlife like monarchs and birds, and because it will improve water quality, enabling people to better access and enjoy area waterways.
Project Purpose: * Ecosystem Restoration )
Project Description: The transportation policy framework includes goals to conserve air and water quality, conserve and restore natural resources, and advance climate resilience. The MetroGreen plan envisioned a multi-benefit system of corridors that linked social cohesion, environmental quality and alternative transportation. However, investments in the system have focused on recreational trails. This project would benefit MetroGreen users, as well as all watershed residents that would garner the ecosystem service benefits from landscape scale restoration. The project would include multiple elements, such as riparian restoration, stream restoration, application of stormwater best management practices to reduce the volume of flows from transportation-related outfalls, wetland restoration, stream buffers, or tree planting and native landscaping - all in ways that create system connectivity, enhance the public realm, and maximize green infrastructure benefits using a triple bottom line lens. In cases in which MARC is listed as the sponsor, local governments or other entities with land use jurisdiction would need to implement projects.
Scope: This project will facilitate biking and walking along MetroGreen and connected local trail corridors. However, project efforts would focus on restoration of streams, wetlands, glades, prairies and riparian corridors adjacent to regional and local trails. Framing this effort across multiple local-watershed-regional scales is consistent with the Green Infrastructure Framework and Eco-Logical Action Plan recommendations, providing a basis for landscape scale mitigation. A review of MetroGreen documented high value opportunities to restore 7,000 acres of riparian and upland landscapes for multiple purposes. Additionally, most of the regions streams are degraded due to hydromodification (a significant portion of which may be attributed to transportation generated runoff) and assorted water quality impairments. Cost estimates at this concept level are exceedingly difficult. Stream restoration projects commonly cost millions of dollars in the urban context. Riparian restoration costs range are estimated at $5000/acre, depending on site conditions, project objectives and ongoing maintenance requirements. If 150 miles of streams were restored at a cost of $500,000/mile, and 7000 acres restored at a cost of $500,000/acre, a total investment of $110 million would be required.
Funding Source: Mo Local
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $66,000,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $89,760,000
Decade: 2020
Application Score: 89
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: High
Adds Capacity: No

No public comments submitted.


600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax 816/421-7758

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