Summary of Route 9 Corridor Complete Streets Improvements


Project Number: 1025
Organization: Parkville
Project Name: Route 9 Corridor Complete Streets Improvements
City(ies), County(ies), State: Parkville, Platte County, Missouri; Riverside, Platte County, Missouri
Routes, interchanges and/or intersections: MO-Hwy 9 (Lakeview Dr. to Mattox Rd.)
Primary Project Mode: Highway/roadway 
Supplementary Project Mode(s): * Active Transportation )
The Route 9 Corridor, as it exists today, is an undivided, two-lane road restricted by existing terrain and development. The corridor lacks adequate shoulders, access control, turn lanes and pedestrian improvements. This project is the first phase of transforming, not only the Route 9 Corridor, but the community of Parkville, Mo. into a visionary directly represented in several planning and public engagement efforts including the Parkville Master Plan (2009), Livable Communities Study (2013), Vision Downtown Parkville (2014), and most recently the Route 9 Corridor Study (2015), a Planning Sustainable Places (PSP) project. These plans identified the 4-mile Route 9 Corridor as the “Main Street” of the community from a transportation standpoint, and focus on transforming the corridor into a Complete Streets corridor by enhancing safety and mobility for all transportation users along the route including pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders.
Project Purpose: * System expansion (added capacity) )
Project Description: Implementation of the adopted Route 9 Corridor Study (2015 Planning Sustainable Places project) which includes Complete Streets improvements along a three-mile stretch of MO-Hwy 9 from Parkville, Mo. to Riverside, Mo. in order to improve safety, mobility, stormwater management and multimodal accessibility. Includes (where possible) 3-lane sections with 5 ft. sidewalk, a 10-ft. multiuse trail, curbs, drains, bioswales and other stormwater infrastructure, new traffic signals and access control.
Scope: Specific improvements will be made on Hwy 9 between Lakeview Dr. and Mattox Rd. This includes a 10 ft. shared-use-path along the east side of the corridor for active transportation users including bicyclists and pedestrians, sidewalks along the west side of the corridor, delineated crosswalks across Hwy 9, additional turning lanes where right-of-way allows, curb and gutter improvements to eliminate drainage issues and stormwater runoff from Hwy 9, and street lighting to improve pedestrian visibility and safety.
Funding Source: MoDOT
Total Budget in 2019 Dollars: $13,400,000
Total Budget in Year of Expenditure dollars (YOE): $16,884,000
Decade: 2020
Application Score: 114
Constrained / Illustrative: Constrained
Priority: Rehab
Adds Capacity: No

Submitted comments

Please note, only public comments are available for review, which may differ from the total shown on the project listing page.

Liam Dai said...

I support the shared use pathways and other pedestrian and safety improvements. The road widening (turn lanes) seem unneeded and a wast of funds.

8/16/2019 9:58:01 AM

Arnold Nguyen said...

MO-9 is a vital route to get between Riverside and Parkville. Capacity improvements as well as adding bike/ped facilities between Riverside and MO-45 is greatly appreciated.

8/16/2019 5:36:10 PM

Jacob Lowe said...

This project would completely transform and re-invent Parkville for the 21st Century and should be funded as completely as possible, ASAP!

8/18/2019 3:23:53 PM

Liam Dai said...

I do not support the roadways portion of the Parkville Route 9 project due to high costs and expansion of car reliance. Parkville already has a large amount of road capacity on highway 45 (and others) that connects it the major interstate systems and other area towns. Instead, I would support improved bike/pedestrian access and public transit in Parkville.

5/22/2020 4:59:20 PM


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