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2015 Installation & Maintenance of Stormwater Treatment Best Management Practices header art, photo of rain garden

The MARC Water Quality Education Committee is pleased to announce the 2015 Installation and Maintenance of Stormwater Treatment Best Management Practices on Nov. 12–13, 2015. This 1 1/2-day workshop will demystify the most common components of stormwater treatment best management practices. Expert instructors from North Carolina State University’s Stormwater BMP Certification Workshops bring 40 years of experience in design, installation, maintenance and inspection of vegetative components of stormwater treatment BMPs to the training. The workshop is geared toward landscapers, subcontractors and general contractors currently working with stormwater treatment BMPs or those who would like to gain experience with these systems.

Day One

  1. Introduction to stormwater.
  2. Watersheds.
  3. Stormwater regulations.
  4. Functions of BMPs (Best Management Practices).
  5. Elements of BMP maintenance.
  6. Retention pond maintenance.
  7. Wetland maintenance.
  8. Bioretention maintenance.
  9. Field tour of local BMPs.

Day Two

  1. Level spreader maintenance.
  2. Maintenance of Green BMPs (swales, green roofs, cisterns, infiltration, trenches).
  3. Parking lot BMPs (permeable pavement, sand filters and proprietary systems).
  4. Final BMP questions and answers.
  5. Examination.

Fee: $149, lunch included. Register Today»


headshot of William F. Hunt, III, Ph.D., P.EWilliam F. Hunt, III, Ph.D., P.E. is a professor and extension specialist in North Carolina State University’s Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. He holds bachelor’s degrees in civil engineering and economics, a master’s degree in biological and agricultural engineering, and a doctorate in agricultural and biological engineering. He is a registered professional engineer in North Carolina. Since 2000, Hunt has assisted with the design, installation and/or monitoring of over 90 stormwater best management practices (BMPs), including bioretention, stormwater wetlands, innovative wet ponds, green roofs, permeable pavement, water harvesting/cistern systems and level spreaders. He teaches 20–25 short courses and workshops each year on stormwater BMP design, function and maintenance throughout North Carolina and the U.S.

headshot of Bill LordBill Lord is an area environmental agent with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture and a Master of Science degree in entomology from North Carolina State University. A 25-year veteran of NC Cooperative Extension, Lord has experience in stormwater runoff, nutrient and pesticide management, and plant growth. He has supervised the construction and maintenance of several stormwater best practices including stormwater wetlands, wet ponds and bioretention areas. He also pioneered research on mosquito populations in stormwater facilities across North Carolina. Lord is a member of NC Cooperative Extension’s Watershed Education Network and the Neuse Education Team. Annually, he conducts 12–15 workshops on stormwater management practice construction and maintenance throughout North Carolina and the U.S.

Nov. 12–13


Space is limited!

Anita B. Gorman
Discovery Center

4750 Troost Avenue,
Kansas City, MO 64110

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For more information,
contact Alecia Kates,
MARC Water Quality Planner,
at 816-701-8233 or visit marc.org/water.

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MARC Water Quality Public Education Committee
600 Broadway, Suite 200 | Kansas City, MO 64105
phone 816-474-4240 | fax 816-421-7758 | www.marc.org/water