Energy Savings Project

Gladstone, Missouri

Gladstone Community Center’s new photovoltaic solar system.

How does this project advance the three pillars of sustainability — social equity, economic vitality and environmental stewardship?

The city of Gladstone strives to be responsible stewards of tax-payer dollars. One way to support our community’s social equity is by providing public services, such as police and fire services, social engagement and recreational and cultural events. Proactive programs, such as our energy savings project, result in responsible use of funding and help ensure these services and events remain in place. This project allowed the city to replace and repair equipment through funding generated by energy savings. In addition to helping sustain the economic vitality of our community, this project also reduced the city’s environmental impact through new, energy-efficient measures. By operating community facilities in an energy-efficient and sustainable manner, others may be inspired to do the same.

New, energy-efficient roof top unit being installed at the
Community Center.

Project Goals:

The city of Gladstone realized that aging infrastructure and rising utility rates created a need to be proactive and reduce future budget constraints. The city acknowledged its responsibility to residents to be good stewards of both financial and environmental resources. To help accomplish these goals, the city partnered with Navitas, a local Energy Service Company, to perform an energy audit. This led to the creation of a comprehensive approach to conservation, allowing the city to use engineered solutions to meet more needs in the short-term, as well as position the city for success over the long-term.

Project Description:

Planning for the project began in 2017. After a comprehensive energy audit of the city’s facilities and equipment was completed, improvements were selected and presented to the city council. Upon the council’s approval, construction started in the fall of 2017 and was completed in late spring of 2018. Extensive upgrades were made to lighting, heating and cooling equipment, and a new building automation system, improving overall efficiency. The city expanded its solar photovoltaic system by adding 75 kW to the existing system at the water treatment plant and 100 kW photovoltaic solar system on the roof of the Gladstone Community Center. These improvements are helping reduce the amount of energy the city is consuming, saving money on the city’s utility bills and reducing the city’s carbon footprint.

Community Benefits and Lessons Learned:

The implementation of the energy savings project has helped position the city of Gladstone for future financial success as well as reduced its environmental impact. This has allowed the city to continue to provide numerous services and many social and cultural opportunities. An energy conservation awareness program is being implemented within city facilities. This program focuses on energy awareness and practical, energy-saving measures through small behavior changes. As city employees embrace energy conservation, the benefits of energy resource stewardship are also communicated throughout the community. This highlights how residents can make a positive impact on the environment and their energy expenses. A lesson learned is that everyone within our facilities and community impacts our environment. Working collaboratively will lead to even greater success.

Funding Sources and Partnerships:

After extensive facility audits, energy engineers compiled a list of recommended efficiency improvements. It is anticipated that more than $4.44 million in utility and operational costs will be avoided as a result of the program. This project required no additional tax dollars as it was paid for by the savings generated through more efficient equipment and operations. Furthermore, the city received more than $150,000 in funding and incentives due to this project.