KC Water Services Swope Campus Parking Lot and Sustainable Stormwater Improvements Project

Kansas City, Missouri

Project Description:

The Kansas City, Missouri, Water Department's Swope Campus parking lot provides an improved, safe parking area for employees and visitors, while also creating an outdoor space with walking trails, access to transportation sources, stormwater runoff retention, energy conservation and green space. The parking improvements incorporate stormwater best management practices (BMPs), including bioretention, porous pavements, bioswales and native plantings designed to manage 10-year storm rainfall onsite and reduce runoff and erosion at the nearby Big Blue Battlefield historic site. The parking lot improvement project acts as a demonstration site for construction, operation and maintenance of these various BMPs. It serves as a model for other organizations and businesses considering green infrastructure installation. The next phase of site improvements will incorporate learning labs to educate citizens of all ages on the benefits of green infrastructure and the importance of water.

Project Goals:

Community Benefits and Lessons Learned:

The project provides a large-scale, local example of green infrastructure techniques for observation and evaluation. City policies require stormwater runoff management from developers, so Water Services wanted to "walk the talk" by showing that city capital projects can meet similar standards.

Funding Sources and Partnerships:

The Swope Campus Parking Lot and Sustainable Stormwater Improvements Project was designed by BNIM Architects and funded by Kansas City Water Services' Wastewater Utility. The project is part of the larger Swope Campus master plan developed in partnership with the Kansas City Parks and Recreation Department.

Contact Information:

4800 E. 63rd Street, Kansas City, MO 64130