TI02-Personalized Traveler Information




This service package provides tailored information in response to a traveler request. Both real-time interactive request/response systems and information systems that "push" a tailored stream of information to the traveler based on a submitted profile are supported. The traveler can obtain current information regarding traffic conditions, roadway maintenance and construction, transit services, ride share/ride match, parking management, detours and pricing information. Although the Internet is the predominate network used for traveler information dissemination, a range of two-way wide-area wireless and fixed-point to fixed-point communications systems may be used to support the required data communications with the traveler. A variety of interactive devices may be used by the traveler to access information prior to a trip or en route including phone via a 511-like portal and web pages via smart phone, tablet, personal computer, and a variety of in-vehicle devices.

Includes Elements

JCT Operations Center
RideKC Operations Center
UGT Operations Center
Kansas City Scout Traffic Management Center
Regional Call Center for Transit Info
Private ISP Systems
User Personal Computing Devices
National Weather Service