Interface: Private ISP Systems - Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment

Architecture Flow Definitions
electric charging services inventory (Future) Applicable ITS Standards
Aggregate information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure for each station.
electric charging station information (Future) Applicable ITS Standards
Information provided for electric charging stations identifying the location, operating hours, current availability, charging capacity and standards supported, access restrictions, and rates/fee structure.
road weather advisory info (Future) Applicable ITS Standards
Road weather advisories and associated configuration and control information that are used to manage the RSE. Advisories include segment-specific weather and road conditions including real-time advisories of deteriorating road and weather conditions, medium-term advisories for the next 2–12 hours, and long-term advisories more than 12 hours into the future. This flow includes a schedule for issuing the included advisories.
traffic situation data (Future) Applicable ITS Standards
Current, aggregate traffic data collected from connected vehicles that can be used to supplement or replace information collected by roadside traffic detectors. It includes raw and/or processed reported vehicle speeds, counts, and other derived measures. Raw and/or filtered vehicle control events may also be included to support incident detection.