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Join us on July 15, 2020, for an advocacy training webinar for nonprofits with a priority of serving older adults, sponsored by the Kansas City Leadership in Aging Network.

Nonprofit organizations serving older adults should play an important role in identifying and advocating for policies that help to support older adults and the communities in which they live, yet many organizations are cautious about engaging in advocacy. This webinar seeks to clear up many of the myths that prevent organizations from becoming more actively engaged in policy and to educate participants about current local and state issues affecting older adults in the Kansas City area.

The current physical distancing guidelines being observed during the COVID-19 pandemic challenges our ability to advocate in person with legislators. This webinar offers practical, concrete suggestions on how to incorporate effective virtual advocacy strategies within your normal advocacy plans. Our voices are needed now more than ever!

Join us at this webinar to learn about:

  • The three most important things to do when engaging with policymakers.
  • The nuts and bolts of advocacy, including tips on what to do – and what not to do.
  • Laws that govern nonprofit advocacy and lobbying.
  • The ways in which advocacy approaches remain the same, even in this time of social distancing.
  • How virtual advocacy can preserve, and simply redefine, “face-to-face” advocacy.
  • Current national advocacy to ensure the Aging Services Network and the seniors it serves are aligned for greater impact to improve services and policies.   
  • The Future of Aging, a Missouri state-wide advocacy effort led by the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and how your organization can become involved.

This webinar is relevant to all board, staff and volunteers affiliated with nonprofit organizations that provide services to older adults. Anyone who works or volunteers for a nonprofit organization and desires to learn how to become an effective advocate to advance their mission is welcome to attend.

For information about the workshop, contact Cathy Boyer-Shesol, or 913-271-1401.

For information about webinar registration, contact Catherine Couch, or 816-701-8389.

Workshop Presenters:

Jessica Hembree is the principal of Platform Civic Strategies, a consulting firm that provides nonprofit and philanthropic organizations with two key services: strategic planning for public policy change and designing policy advocacy efforts. In this role, Hembree has helped incubate ballot initiatives, facilitate federal planning processes and conduct multiple strategic planning engagements. With 20 years of experience in policy change, including ten years as policy director at a regional health foundation, Hembree has experience across multiple issues and is adept at providing advice that is specific and actionable. From starting new advocacy organizations to researching complex issues to developing model policies, Hembree is an insightful leader in nonprofit policy and civic change. Supremely organized and endlessly curious, Hembree thrives with the opportunity to help make lasting social impact. Hembree received her master’s degree in public affairs from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. She was named a Grantmakers in Health Terrence Keenan Emerging Leader in Health Philanthropy.

Marci Phillips is the director of public policy and advocacy at the National Council on Aging. She is responsible for federal advocacy efforts regarding legislation and appropriations affecting the Older Americans Act, economic security, hunger, older workers, elder justice and other community services for older Americans. Before joining NCOA in 2008, Phillips was the Legislative Policy Analyst at the National Community Action Foundation (NCAF), where she advocated on behalf of the nation’s 1,100 Community Action Agencies, and she served on the personal and committee staff of a member of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Virtual Advocacy Training Webinar

Wednesday, July 15
10 a.m.-noon


There is no fee to participate in the webinar.

Workshop Sponsors:
Sponsored by AARP Kansas and Missouri; Center for Practical Bioethics; Clay County Senior Services; Health Forward Foundation; Johnson County Area Agency on Aging; KC Communities for All Ages; Landon Center on Aging, University of Kansas Medical Center; MARC Department of Aging and Adult Services; Menorah Heritage Foundation; Platte County Senior Fund; UMKC Consortium for Aging in Community; University of Kansas Medical Center School of Health Professionals; Wyandotte/ Leavenworth Area Agency on Aging.

Mid-America Regional Council, 600 Broadway, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64105
816-474-4240 |